A £10m regeneration scheme to upgrade over 500 houses in Hull, has won a regional Green Deal ECO award.
The winning of a major environmental award for a project that was almost dismantled because of a funding shortfall is an indication of how Councils and housing developers are now looking at alternatives to the traditional construction process.
The Holland Street scheme, in east Hull, a project to improve run down houses in the area, under the government’s market renewal initiative regeneration scheme, provided improved insulation to the properties as well as new external boundary walls, railings and guttering.
The scheme has involved a number of partners, including Hull City Council, Npower and local builder Hall Construction. It is claimed that the improvements will not only reduce resident’s heating bills – leading to an estimated saving of around 57,000 tonnes of lifetime carbon – but will provide a major incentive for further investment in the area.

Build-Lite (UK) Ltd partnered with Hall Construction in supplying heads, cills and arches manufactured from our unique Stone-Coat lightweight moulding product. The major advantage to using Stone-Coat on this particular project is the fact that it can be manufactured to any profile and shape. This is ideal for the Victorian properties as no house is likely to have the same specification and the product can be made to any shape or style.
With a dramatic reduction in funding and a £3m financial shortfall, the developers had to look for opportunities to reduce costs while at the same time retain the overall standard of improvements. Build-Lite (UK) Ltd has a long established working relationship with local authorities in providing highly cost effective alternatives to traditional materials.
For the Holland street project, the Council were able to make considerable savings by using Stone-coat to replace external door surrounds, window cills and heads. Not only were there significant savings on the cost of raw materials but also there are substantial cost reductions in avoiding the need to use heavy lifting equipment and closing parts of the site for long periods.
At Build Lite, we specialise in Unique Stone-Coat Mouldings, offering unmatched knowledge and skill in architectural transformations across the UK. To learn more about how we can help you, make sure to get in touch with our team.